Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Cracking the Hotel Safe

For the most part, I really like the little safe stashed away in the hotel room closet. Now that the TSA insists on breaking every single lock I put on my suitcase, hiding my valuables in the luggage doesn't seem so secure. (Yes, I realize that it was not all that secure an option in the first place.) I don't bring expensive jewelry on vacation, but the safe is a good place for locking up passports and credit cards.

When my daughter was young, she also thought it was a great place to keep her shoes. We were all ready to head out for day of sightseeing, but I couldn't find my girl's sandals. She had locked them up up the hotel room safe. Luckily for me, I was able to crack her code. "1234"

TIP: Even if you plan on keeping nothing in your safe, go ahead and lock it before your kids decide to store something in it. Their code may not be as easy to crack.

This post is part of Travel Tips Tuesday on Suitcases and Sippy Cups.
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